
Ladee's Bar & Lounge【電子書籍】[ Elby Lisbil ]

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09月17日 05時08分更新
Ladee's Bar & Lounge【電子書籍】[ Elby Lisbil ]


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Hello, I am Edward Ladee, owner and proprietor of Ladee's bar and lounge after twenty-seven years of being behind the bar I have a great many tales that I can tell in this book I will highlight several of these exploits that transpired over the years in this business that I am the proprietor of. I opened this business just shortly after returning from Vietnam at the age of thirty-seven and selling it at the age of sixty-four, in the twenty-seven years I owned and operated this business, having a valid liquor license the things I have seen over the years would curl your hair and after selling the bar all I have left other than memories is the relic of this faded matchbook. This issue is titled, "Not exactly your typical Friday night," The first in a series with several more to come画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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