
LOVE Will That Cherish or Perish?【電子書籍】[ D. S. Raghuvanshi ]

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04月26日 14時29分更新
LOVE Will That Cherish or Perish?【電子書籍】[ D. S. Raghuvanshi ]


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Amy was separated from her parents as a result of war which was ordered by Pundit Nehru to liberate Goa by Indian Armed Forces. She was just four years then. Father Briganza with the help of Indian army accepted the responsibility of raising and upbringing of the child. Time and Tide wait for nobody. Amy started growing in the convent with sisters and nuns. Amy’s transformation was both delightful and stunning and at 16 years Amy was blossoming into an absolute object. She was now turning an envy to her age group girls and boys for sexual frustration and voyeuristic lust. She fell in love with Steven the best looking man in college which was not liked by Ravi Kamath son of a powerful politician. He ensured that Steven family is asked to leave India. After Steven left Amy started remembering her own parents and Father Briganza made all arrangements to send her world over to trace Costa Rica her father but couldn’t find him. Disheartened she became a fighter pilot and she started loving Rajiv Singh. Destiny failed her there also and Rajiv Singh died in a plane crash. Meanwhile Steven got married in US which wasn’t a happy marriage. Steven came back to India and met Amy but Amy sent him back. Steven took ill seriously and wanted to meet Amy for the last time. Amy met him and his wife with a cute daughter. Amy explained to both of them to have good relationship and forget Amy. They both agreed and Amy came back to Goa. She passed rest of her life as a bun serving the poor and needy.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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