Perfect Love, Emotional Romance: A Heartwarming Collection of 100 Classic Poems and Letters for the Lovers (Va...


If a picture speaks a thousand words, a love letter or a poem speaks a thousand more... Even in this age of e-mail, faxes, and instant messaging, nothing has ever replaced the power of a love letter or that of a poem. LIST OF POEMS: 1. Lord Byron - She Walks in Beauty 2. Christina Rossetti - I Loved You First: But Afterwards Your Love 3. Walt Whitman - A Glimpse 4. W.Shakespeare - Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds 5. John Donne - The Good-Morrow 6. K.Gibran - Love One Another 7. Robert Browning - Meeting At Night 8. E.Dickinson - My River 9. P.B. Shelley - Love's Philosophy 10. Alfred Tennyson - Maud 11. E.A. Poe - Annabel Lee 12. J.Keats - Bright Star 13. Andrew Marvell - To His Coy Mistress 14. E.A. Poe - To Helen 15. R.Tagore - Unending Love 16. Elizabeth B. Browning - How Do I Love Thee? 17. Ella W. Wilcox - I Love You 18. E.Dickinson - Wild Nights 19. Sara Teasdale - I Am Not Yours 20. E.A.Poe - A Valentine 21. George Etherege - Sylvia 22. W.Shakespeare - My Mistress' Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun 23. Michael Drayton - Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part 24. Samuel T. Coleridge - Love 25. R.Burns - A Red, Red Rose 26. T.Wyatt - Whoso List To Hunt 27. Patience Worth - Who Said That Love Was Fire? 28. W.Shakespeare - Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day? 29. E.Dickinson - That I Did Always Love 30. C.Brennan - Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her 31. O.Wilde - We Are Made One with What We Touch and See 32. C.Marlowe - Who Ever Loved That Loved Not At First Sight? 33. E.Dickinson - Come Slowly, Eden 34. W.Shakespeare - My Love Is As A Fever, Longing Still 35. Unknown - The Maiden's Song 36. P.B. Shelley - Indian Serenade 37. E.A. Poe - A Dream Within A Dream 38. W.Morris - Love Is Enough 39. John Clare - First Love 40. P.B. Shelley - Music When Soft Voices Die (To --) 41. Thomas Moore - Believe Me, if All Those Endearing Young Charms 42. R.L. Stevenson - Love What Is Love 43. Anne Bradstreet - To My Dear And Loving Husband 44. John B. O'Reilly - A White Rose 45. Ralph W. Emerson - Give All To Love 46. Leigh Hunt - Jenny Kiss'd Me 47. Dante G. Rossetti - A Little While 48. W.Scott - Lochinvar 49. John Wilmot - Love And Life 50. Robert Herrick - Sweet Disorder LIST OF LOVE LETTERS Ludwig van Bethoveen - The Immortal Beloved Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred "Bosie" Douglas Emma Darwin to Charles Darwin Vita Sackville-West & Virginia Woolf - Love Letters Honor? de Balzac to Countess Ewelina Haska Napoleon Bonaparte to Jos?phine de Beauharnais John Keats to Fanny Brawne Lord Byron to Teresa Guiccioli Voltaire to Olympe Dunover Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn Leo Tolstoy to Valeria Arsenev Gustave Flaubert to Louise Colet Nathaniel Hawthorne to Sophia Hawthorne Jack London to Anna Strunsky Johann von Goethe to Charlotte von Stein James Joyce to Nora Barnacle Abigail Adams to John Adams Sullivan Ballou to Sarah Ballou Harriet B. Stowe to Her Husband, Calvin Pietro Bembo to Lucrezie Borgia Charlotte Bront? to Constantin Heger Lewis Carroll to Gertrude Chataway Catherine Of Aragon to Henri VIII Mark Twain to Olivia Langdon John Constable to Maria Oliver Cromwell to Elizabeth Cromwell Ninon De L'Enclos to One Of Her Lovers Alfred de Musset to Amantine Aurore Dudevant Zelda Fitzgerald to F. Scott Fitzgerald Mary Wollstonecraft to William Godwin Heloise - Letter to Peter Abelard Count Gabriel Honore de Mirbeau to Sophie Lyman Hodge to Mary Granger, His Fiancee King Henry IV Of France to Gabrielle d'Estr?es Franz Liszt to the Countess d'Agoult Katherine Mansfield to John Middleton Murry Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to his wife Constanze Thomas Otway to Mrs Barry Ovid to his wife Robert Schumann to Clara Wieck Vincent Van Gogh to Theo, his brother Tsarina Alexandra to Tsar Nicholas II Of Russia Laura Lyttleton - Letter to Alfred, Her Husband画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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