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Vincent Van Gold【電子書籍】[ Marlize Schmidt ]

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09月28日 17時29分更新
Vincent Van Gold【電子書籍】[ Marlize Schmidt ]


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This is an introduction ebook to the series of Vincent. Vincent is a Golden Retriever named after the famous painter Vincent van Gogh. This Golden Retriever puppy is called Vincent van Gold. He is an inspiration and is an adorable puppy who makes you smile all the time. You will fall in love with little Vincent. The series is all about Vincent as he is growing up. The Vincent series are for younger readers, but that does not mean it is only for younger readers. Young and old will enjoy little Vincent's adventures. Book 1 in the series is called: Vincent: The Golden Retriever Puppy (up until he was about 10 weeks old). Book 2 in the series is called: Vincent: Puppy School (from about 10 weeks up to 14 weeks old). Vincent is still growing up... there will be lots of fun new adventures. *Please note: All the profit made from this series will go for a good cause - to help training Vincent. He is going to be a Support Dog for kids and adults with anxiety.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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