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Evidence: A Past Life Memory【電子書籍】[ Sue A. Hart ]

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09月08日 08時43分更新
Evidence: A Past Life Memory【電子書籍】[ Sue A. Hart ]


価格:106 (税込) 送料込 カード決済 OK送料無料
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Evidence is an award winning romantic suspense about Maggie Warner, who was born with an autobiographical memory. As a child, this ability was seen as an opportunity by her great-grandfather to teach her all about his life with his wife, Mary. But the stories had a side-effect. Maggie began dreaming about their life and started sleepwalking at the age of six. On many occasions, she searched the house looking for her children. After the death of her great-grandfather, her parasomnia changes to something similar to a coma making it hard to awaken. But then, a reoccurring nightmare begins regarding a kidnapping she cannot explain nor can anyone else. This night terror stays with her for years. But considering her ability to remember everything, the repetitive dream can be considered normalーfor her. The announcement of a new medical invention that restores memories gives Maggie hope. After an interview, she arrives for her first night at the clinic and meets Dr. Malone’s godson, Jack Paterson. He is charming, attentive, and gorgeous. Their attraction is immediate. But because of her problems, she avoids him. Though, his determination gives her little choice to stop fighting what she wants. Over the next month, they begin dating and she admits why she became a patient at the clinic. His understanding of her hidden secrets surprises her and over time his steady faith in her becomes her strength when her family refuses to agree to the possibility that the kidnapping is a memory from a past-life.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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