The Assassins' Guild of Obseen: Vision of a Torn Land【電子書籍】[ Lindsey Cowherd ]


The Year was 1921 Star Date (S.D.) People left the dirty, war-torn Earth in search of a new life on a handful of newly discovered planets past Neptune. Eight were found: New Earth, Planet X, the Sentinals (1,2, and 3), O’washia, Al Tor, and Obseen… A new government called the Unified Earth Forces took control of New Earth; its government declared its control over other planets. O’washia and the Sentinals were eventually able to attain their freedom from the UEF; Planet X, abandoned by the New Earth government was given over to the control of kings and queens, so that the Royals could keep an eye on Obseen, the planet turned into a prison-planet for the unruly assassins cloistered by the UEF; Al Tor became the other prison planet; a place for those considered terrorists and “crazies”. The Current Year: 4012 S.D. (Obseen) The obsidian planet has once again been thrust into war. A Royal-assassin has taken over the planet, and a large percentage of the assassin clans do not want him as their leader. The Royal, now calling himself “Emperor Manscor”, has sent his Royal guards and Honoreds to conquer the opposing forces, and he has even gone so far as massacring hundreds of assassins to prove his control of them. By the year 4023 S.D., many assassin clans have quietly joined the Renegade Army in hopes of ending Manscor’s reign. One such clan, called the Las'wa or Lakeans, has refused to become completely involved in the war, but they have given their support: twelve assassin youths have been trained in secret and are to be sent to the surface to stop Manscor; they may be the last chance to end the chaos of Obseen's Assassins' Guild.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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