South Oregon Coast: Not Another Travel Guide【電子書籍】[ Bob Campbell ]


Looking for a smaller Oregon Coast excursion where you can pack in a lot of what makes the ocean so appealing in a short period of time... like a three-day weekend? Come along with us on a three (short) day trip from the southern-most tip of the Oregon Coast up to the center of the Oregon coast which can be packed into a long (relatively relaxing) weekend. This book takes a visual journey from the California border to Crissey Field State Park - the southernmost official beach access point in Oregon all the way up to Newport's South Jetty Viewpoint Trail. With over two hundred pictures to give everyone from the trip-planning vacation enthusiast to armchair, virtual traveler an idea of what to expect, some highpoints that might be missed, and a memoir of the south to central Oregon Coast open to all. In typical Not Another Travel Guide fashion, though, we try to catch some of the details other travel guides and official websites may miss (often on purpose), but we don't want you to miss it (or be censored from access to a wider array of options for your own trip, even if they might not be as high profile or well-funded as other venues... like Azalea Park in Brookings - which just so happened to be one of the highlights and surprises to discover on the South Oregon Coast. Specific details and more extensive attention is given to: Crissey Field State Park, Azalea Park and Harris Beach South in Brookings, OR, Whalehead/Whaleshead Viewpoint, Natural Bridges Viewpoint (that's part of it on the cover of the book), Arch Rock Viewpoint, afternoon - sunset - sunrise in Gold Beach, Oregon (plus our typical "Let our readers sleep in while our insane photographer gets up before the sun, so you don't have to - yet can experience sunrise from the warmth of your snuggly, warm bed."), Ophir Rest Area Beach, Battle Rock Wayside, Cape Blanco Lighthouse, Coquille River Lighthouse, Coos Bay and North Bend, Umpqua River Lighthouse, Florence, Heceta Head Lighthouse, sunset and sunrise in Waldport, Oregon, Driftwood Beach, and South Beach State Park - South Jetty Trail in Newport!?
All provided visually for your enjoyment and education, along with Not Another Travel Guide rants and whines - I mean, notes and discussion - to fill in the blanks in the event you'd rather miss some of the finer points (like sub-forty degree weather without the sun in a 40 mph headwind while unseen creatures slosh-and-splash slowly closer and closer in the dark water's edge) (Oh!?
Or the wonderful 'construction delay' experience... or the curiosity about what seems like every restroom between the California border and Newport.) If you've never considered one of our Not Another Travel Guides (NATG), thinking it's not for you, we've been surprised to learn we're apparently a good source for information to everyone from avid writers and authors (use your travel expense check for writing your next book how *you* want to use it, "splurge" for one of our reasonably priced NATG books, and use the details and visual plethora of information to rip out a wonderfully accurate rendition of the location... to make the reader feel like she was really there!?) to the cubical convict, chained to a desk and needing a few minutes to pretend like he'll ever get a real vacation (and with our books, he can experience it ALL, from bird poop to orange traffic cones, to views and vistas possibly only ever imagined on desktop backgrounds and themes while daydreaming of retirement). Be brave!?
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