
Jessica Loves Danielle【電子書籍】[ J.R. Airul ]

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04月20日 16時34分更新
Jessica Loves Danielle【電子書籍】[ J.R. Airul ]


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Danielle is a shy, sheltered, teenage girl from a conservative, middle American family. She’s fresh from high school, with dreams of maybe becoming an actor or model, rather than stocking shelves, working in a factory, or becoming a nursing assistant as her mom and dad dictate. Jessica is a highly successful woman of the world who’s heading for the big four-oh. She’s college educated, owns homes, businesses, and buildings, traveling around the world doing work in the motion picture industry. She knows exactly who she is, and that includes being a girl who likes girls, not guys. At one point she had a girl in every port, but these days they’ve all run off to find their own place in the world or live with that “special someone” who Jessica has never desired or discovered. Danielle was raised on fairy tales, with Prince Charming and the big, white wedding where she’s made a princess and lives happily ever after. That is until a few bad experiences with guys in high school show her the true nature of boys and that Prince Charming could easily turn out to be an ogre. Now she doesn’t know which end is up, but she still has her dreams of maybe acting or modeling, since being someone’s princess looks like something that is never going to happen. When an opportunity to travel to Los Angeles to visit her Aunt and Uncle presents itself, Danielle jumps at it, as her Aunt works for all the studios in Hollywood. Since Danielle did well in drama in high school, she decides to see if she can turn some of her dreams into reality with this trip. One fine summer day finds Danielle and Jessica standing on the same studio set. Jessica takes one look at Danielle and is instantly smitten, that is until she finds out how young this girl really is, and that she’s related to a woman she works with on a regular basis. Jessica does, however, offer to help Danielle get started. Danielle decides to seek out Jessica’s assistance. Together they take on the world, making Danielle’s career actually take off. At the same time, Jessica’s feelings for this beautiful, sexy, young girl grows and grows, as they go forth in the world platonically working together, until things come crashing to a meeting of the minds… Can Jessica win Danielle over without scaring her away, and is that the right thing to do? Will their differences break them apart or pull them together? Will each of them make their dreams and desires a reality, allowing them to live happily ever after?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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