
An Audience With Alan Hudson【電子書籍】[ John Hellier ]

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03月13日 09時00分更新
An Audience With Alan Hudson【電子書籍】[ John Hellier ]


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Alan Hudson truly was a players player, a fans player and an artist. A man with all the gifts!?
He was the quintessential cockney rebel and had style, charisma and flamboyance not only on the pitch but off the pitch as well. The original rebellious Kings Road kid burst onto the football scene at a time that London was truly swinging, and comparisons were obviously made with the irresistible Georgie Best, again both on the pitch and off. Indeed George once described him as 'the finest player of his generation.' If Best was the Beatles, Alan Hudson was the Rolling Stones!?
Alan Hudson's career was one long roller-coaster ride and was marked by clashes with the establishment and the authorities. His was a rags to riches and back again story, the highs saw him winning European trophies and playing for his country and the lows include a hit and run incident that put him in a coma for 59 days. Alan truly believes the 'accident' was actually an attempt on his life. This publication contains Alan Hudson's expert account of pretty much everything connected to our national game and comes with VERY frank opinions of many players, managers and 'suits;' but it isn't just about football, it also includes Al's second love in life, music. There's tales of partying with rock n roll royalty and everything told with honesty in Al's unique style, he's a natural storyteller. What he has to say about some of the games leading lights is quite breathtaking, he certainly pulls no punches. The book is both insightful and humorous. A winning and very entertaining combination!?
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