The Death Of America. . .【電子書籍】[ LB Jubil ]


the Celerex facility, it was a military style compound surrounded entirely by a twelve foot chain-link fence and heavily guarded by security personnel carrying M-16's, the facility involved in many top-secret government projects. As always he grimaced as he approached the facility with its warning signs upon the fence stating, "No trespassing property of Celerex, unauthorized entry strictly prohibited, trespassers will be met with deadly force!?
" The high-security was necessary to maintain the secrecy of the test and projects conducted within the twenty acre facility, the security at the facility equal to or greater than a military base panning closed-circuit television cameras monitoring the entirety of the facility. Approaching the gate despite the fact that he had the Celerex employee sticker on the left-hand corner of the windshield as he made his approach he readied his chip encoded identification badge, as he made his approach to the gate the LED illuminated signal light was red, bringing his Mercedes to a complete stop to guards was colt forty-five strapped to their hips stepped out of the doghouse and approached his vehicle after examining his ID card and it was run through the computer matrix to verify his current employment and authorization after a brief search of the vehicle including the necessary inspection of the truck as the security officers returned to the doghouse the LED illuminated signal light turned green and he slowly preceded through the gate and made his way nearly the quarter of a mile distance to his assigned parking stall. Stepping from his vehicle he depressed the remote on the key-chain setting the alarm his briefcase in his hand he made his way to building five twenty-five using his identity card to de-energize the electronic the electronic lock the pushed the door open and walked down the hall toward the entrance of the highly secured facility in which secretive work was performed, an armed guard stood by the entry door. More, Please buy the book.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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