
Ryan’s Reprieve【電子書籍】[ Jason Pinaster ]

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03月06日 16時25分更新
Ryan’s Reprieve【電子書籍】[ Jason Pinaster ]


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Ryan Lawson is smitten by Dr. Jody Murray as soon as he sets eyes on her. And his attraction is deepened when it’s obvious she knows much more about him than he does about her. She asks him to help one of her patients who has been abusively strip-searched by a cop. To obtain necessary information to bring the abusive cop to justice, Ryan visits voracious and voluptuous undercover cop Shaneese. She hands over the information and he’s about to exit the vehicle but she grabs the sleeve of his jacket. A firm grip, a grip not to be denied. Slowly he leans back into the seat. Her hands undo his belt and zipper then slide his jeans below his buttocks. Shaneese’s hot mouth envelops his flaccid genitals. Ryan tries to resist her ministrations, but Shaneese knows just how to tickle testosterone out of his testicles, when to suck slow and soft, when to suck hard and demanding, when to move her mouth up and down, when to circle her tongue around the tip of his penis… Ryan's and Jody's romance deepens and her takes her to his favourite steakhouse for an intimate dinner. He relates his progress to date but Jody says it’s not enough, that they need video evidenceーof the cop strip-searching her. Ryan almost chokes to death. “You’ve got to be kidding!?
”, he gasps, “I forbid it.” “You forbid it?” She carefully cuts a piece of meat off a rib, and then sets about sawing through the rib itself. “It’s not a good idea”, Ryan temporizes. “You could get hurt.” “Not if we do it right.” Ryan watches her finish the rest of her meal. She certainly knows how to handle a knife. Will Jody survive unscathed? Will the videotape of her being searched stand up in court? Will Jody and Ryan's romance be consummated?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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