
A Glint in the Eye. . .【電子書籍】[ Elby Lisbil ]

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03月09日 11時38分更新
A Glint in the Eye. . .【電子書籍】[ Elby Lisbil ]


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It started with a glint in the eye, a forbidden glance. Are the eyes the windows to the soul? If so, his were yearning, burning with desire, with wanton abandonment. His demeanor was quiet, low key and residual. His body language sublime, in a way only few would understand and the experienced would get to appreciate. She found herself next to him at the buffet table, delighting in the scent of his cologne, a musky fragrance, agile with his masculinity. She could make out the slight ripple of a body used to hard work under his clothes and instantly idle curiosity just what he might be like between the sheets. She felt the heat of a blush spread across her chest, cheeks and face. Why would she have these thoughts of the stranger next to her? Sure, it had been over a year now since her divorce and she had not been dating anyone, but she did not know anything about this man nor he knowing anything about her either. By the book and read more!?
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