
The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course: Week 4【電子書籍】[ Iain Littlejohn ]

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The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course: Week 4【電子書籍】[ Iain Littlejohn ]


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Please note that you are reading the description for the Week 4 eBook of "The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course". The description for Week One of the course contains complete detail on the entire course. And if you haven’t already read Week's 1, 2 and 3, then you are strongly advised to start the course at the beginning by reading the content in the Week 1 eBook first. What's covered in the Week 4 eBook of "The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course"? Days 16 to 17: over these 2 days we continue looking at how you can get your partner into bed when you want to, including looking at the two topics of; ‘Foreplay stage two ? working on her body’ and the very important - 'How to initiate sex with your partner'. Day 18: making the assumption that things have improved with the regularity of sex that you are getting - today is all about how you can keep the momentum going. You’ve spent 17 days working hard to get your learning up to scratch, so today is all about giving you some tips on how you can keep things going so that you can keep on getting more of what you want with the regularity that you want it. Day 19: is there just incase none of what you’ve tried so far has helped you to achieve your goal of getting more sex. Today we look at a step by step checklist of what you can do if you aren’t yet getting sex with the regularity that you were after. Day 20: on Day 20 the main course content has concluded and we start concentrating purely on the exercises. Appendices in the Week 4 eBook: Appendix - Massage The ‘Massage’ appendix covers two main topics; erotic massage and Swedish massage. This appendix gives you a step by step guide on how to give your partner these two very different types of massage. Erotic massage is covered because this is a great way to get your partner into the right place for sex, and Swedish massage is covered because this is a really good way to get all touchy feely with your partner and to help her relax. And both of these things are very useful to you in order to help you get more of what you want. Appendix - Scripts The ‘Scripts’ appendix is split into two parts; part 1 is a detailed walk through seduction scenario who’s primary purpose is to help you bring the learning together that you’ve read in the main course. It is a walk-through of the entire process of creating opportunities for sex with your partner, and we look at one detailed scenario where you are essentially setting up to seduce your partner into bed. Part 2 looks at some fantasy / role play ideas which can help your sex lives in the following ways; they are a great way to help you both more easily communicate your sexual desires, by very effectively removing most, or all, of the communication issues such as embarrassment or shyness, fear of hurting your partner's feelings, or an inability to identify you or your partners needs and desires. They can also help spice things up a bit and make things that little bit more exciting, thereby helping to get you both back into bed that bit more easily next time.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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