
Spice It Up【電子書籍】[ Siren Cooke ]

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04月27日 07時03分更新
Spice It Up【電子書籍】[ Siren Cooke ]


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Almost two years ago, Erika Porter, met the two people who mean the most to her. Together, they awakened a fire in her that has only continued to burn especially in the bedroom. But when Marlene confesses to wanting more from the relationship, Erika must realign her priorities if she want to keep the sweet promises they whisper against her skin as they press her trembling body into silk sheets. Erika loves her partners. She couldn’t imagine a life without them and it’s because of them that she’s found a way to tap into the well of passion buried in the depths of her soul. She wants to be with them, but trusting someone and building a future with them are two different things. After all, how can she trust another person when she’s never learned to fully trust herself? She’s taken the first step, now all she has to do is believe that her unit is strong enough to withstand any test. The lessons she’s learned in the last year are put to the test when Erika has to learn the difference between all or nothing.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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