
Wife Accidentally Sold 1【電子書籍】[ Gary Bingham ]

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04月25日 02時41分更新
Wife Accidentally Sold 1【電子書籍】[ Gary Bingham ]


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Bridget was a proud individual, which some would call fierce and independent. She ran an antique store with her husband, and it had become successful, in that they were making a profit. The lease was up for renewal, and a loan would be needed to continue the business. At least that was something they had anticipated, and could deal with. What happened next was a surprise, and would turn into a disaster, for Bob, her husband. Though maybe not. It was a quiet Wednesday as usual, and Bridget took the opportunity to check the stock. She was wondering around the store looking at things, as though she were a customer, trying to get there perspective. Adjusting the odd item, to present it to its best,she moved on. A customer had wondered in and began chatting to her husband. Flippantly, Bob said the usual, everything is on sale, and available at a fair price. The handsome young man noticed the attractive woman, and asked how much the item was. Bob frowned, then joined in the joke, When his wife glided up to them, he continued the amusing sales talk, getting back at his wife for an earlier argument. The young man complimented her looks, embarrassing her, though she was less pleased with her husband. She realised they were negotiating her price, and gave her husband fierce looks, yet said nothing. The men agreed a price, and as a joke shook hands. Bridget was appalled that her husband could do such a thing. Taking the young arm she marched out the store with him, as though agreeing with her purchase. Wanting to upset her husband, she got into the guy's expensive sports car, to be driven around the block,then returned. They pulled into a gravel driveway up to an expensive Georgian house, and she became worried, even a little scared, but didn't show it. Ushered into his house, he asked her to decorate ii, with furniture from the store, as the place had just been bought and was empty. It was a blank canvas for her to fill with antiques, so how could she refuse. Though he had bought and paid for er, so did he expect her to be an object in his house? She told herself not to be silly, that people couldn't be bought, as slavery was illegal. There was a certain glint in his eyes, and she couldn't help responding to it. She was horny and in the circumstances it was dangerous, yet she couldn't just walk away, not after he'd paid so much money buying her. As soon as her husband arranged for a bank lone, they could pay him back and she would feel much better, able to laugh off this silly feeling of being owned by him.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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