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You Can't Judge A Crime By Its Aura (Piper Ashwell Psychic P.I. #3.5)【電子書籍】[ Kelly Hashway ]

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09月08日 08時41分更新
You Can't Judge A Crime By Its Aura (Piper Ashwell Psychic P.I. #3.5)【電子書籍】[ Kelly Hashway ]


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Some murders scenes are harder to read than others. Psychic P.I. Piper Ashwell has never met a crime scene she couldn’t read, but when a murder takes place in the bookstore next to her office, she can’t get a good sense of the killer or motivation for the crime. With the help of well-known thriller author Madison Kramer, who looks so much like the victim it’s unnerving, Piper will have to assess the few clues there actually are to track down the killer and save the life of an innocent soul that walks on four legs.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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