
Confessions【電子書籍】[ Sky McCoy ]

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04月20日 15時28分更新
Confessions【電子書籍】[ Sky McCoy ]


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A boy in love with rock star. A rich bisexual rock star who has been everywhere, and into everything good and bad, can’t make up his mind if he’s gay or straight. When Blair decides it's time to confess to Madison the man of his dreams, that he’s gay and loves him, he didn’t expect Madison’s reactions especially since he thought Madison was straight, and had been indifferent to him because he’s gay. Madison accepts Blair into his lifestyle, but Blair wasn’t expecting to fall into an arrangement where there’s another person controlling their lives. Will Madison choose his music over his desire and love for Blair? Will Blair become fed up and decide Madison is not worth it, and leave him to the clutches of people who want him for their own needs and satisfactions?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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