
From Top to Bottom【電子書籍】[ Sky McCoy ]

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04月27日 02時14分更新
From Top to Bottom【電子書籍】[ Sky McCoy ]


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This book is for adults 18 and over and is a MMMM BDSM erotic romance. How can you get over not being wanted? Cory thought the man in his life was finished with him when he discovered that he’d been seeing another man. But Cory with his insecurities discovered that the man he loved, Nicholas, still loved him and needed him, but wanted to spice up their lives with another man. Cory got along with the other man, but then Nicholas decided that even that wasn’t enough because they each had different fantasies and one more man was added. Will Cory be able to live out his fantasies and adjust to three men? Can the final man be what they were all looking for, or will he become another problem that Cory will have to solve?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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