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And Stella Turns a Mom A Psycho-Erotic Journey from Corporate Scenario to the Cosmic Truth【電子書籍】[ ...

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04月27日 11時53分更新
And Stella Turns a Mom A Psycho-Erotic Journey from Corporate Scenario to the Cosmic Truth【電子書籍】[ Roddur Roy ]


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And Stella Turns a Mom is a journey from the mundane corporate scenario to the Cosmic Truth revealed to open the human psychological perceptionーespecially the female perceptionーtowards the self, sexuality, motherhood and the cosmic responsibilities and realization of an individual in everyday life and work. It is the unfolding of a male psyche towards discovering the female psyche and the social as well cosmic value of humanity and realization of the soul and energy-level balance of all the cosmic beings aligned to the self-area of defining the ‘me’ sector of possession. The sense of self as a resource in the individualistic, social and cosmic quest of self-discoveries is covered in a postmodernist and, at times, sub-verse language. The experimental use of language and alternative cultural perception of observing human relation linked and juxtaposed to social and soul-level evolution is focused upon in the work. Stella, the symbol of the female heart-mind-body and the humanity of motherhood defined in the individual responsibilities of creating and holding a state of stability from a spiritual viewpoint, expressed in the language of consciousness theories, in the guise of love for a woman and mother, from a man's point of view.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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