
DAUNTLESS: Leadership Lessons From the Frontline【電子書籍】[ Rach Ranton ]

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04月26日 11時18分更新
DAUNTLESS: Leadership Lessons From the Frontline【電子書籍】[ Rach Ranton ]


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I look down at my boots and wait for the humiliation that is sure to come when someone is forced to take me in their team as the last option. “I’ll take Rach,” says Fred. And with that decision, he changes the whole shape of my military career and everything I think about myself. During chopper flights into unsecured airfields, on the receiving end of a face-ripping, through the hijinks of field life and into the moments before setting off on patrol in Afghanistan, Rach Ranton explores the actions and behaviours of those who led her through the most volatile and unpredictable of situations. Their words and actions echoing through her life, Rach tells the stories of those leaders who lifted her up, encouraged her to be her best and helped her find the purpose in her work. Leaders who were not fearless but who did not shy from facing their fears. Who were authentically themselves, openly sharing their failures and weaknesses. Who were bold, took risks and who were forced to make critical decisions in extreme circumstances. Those who succeed on the battlefield, in the boardroom and in business. Dauntless leaders画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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