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The Story Box: A Collection of Thrillers and Mysteries【電子書籍】[ Lee Ashley ]

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04月23日 15時52分更新
The Story Box: A Collection of Thrillers and Mysteries【電子書籍】[ Lee Ashley ]


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In THE STORY BOX: A COLLECTION OF THRILLERS AND MYSTERIES, enter three stories that will have you questioning what is to come. In "Many Years Later," follow the strange and cryptic discovery that Joe and Amelia uncover when investigating their famously abandoned museum. Continue your fever dream in "Mercy Box," when Trevor is faced with a constant loop of waking up to a strange package and trying to break his cycle. And finish your journey where it all began, with Clancy and Joe in "A Museum of Salt," taking place during an art heist, the two thieves are caught in a mysterious trance and left fighting for their sanity.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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