
A Preacher's Manifesto: Ten Commitments That Drive Biblical Preaching【電子書籍】[ Randal Pelton ]

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03月04日 16時59分更新
A Preacher's Manifesto: Ten Commitments That Drive Biblical Preaching【電子書籍】[ Randal Pelton ]


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A Preacher's Manifesto presents ten commitments that should drive biblical preaching. These ten commitments will guide pastors in creating their preaching calendar, help steer their sermon preparation, and remind them of the vital place preaching occupies in the local church. The commitments include topics ranging from pastoral theology ("preaching as a function of soul-watching"), hermeneutics ("not allow a selected topic to override the meaning of the biblical Text"), and pastoral ministry ("preach as though my spiritual life and the spiritual lives of my parishioners depend on it"). A Preacher's Manifesto will challenge assumptions, cultivate new commitments, and bring about changes in preaching for the sake of enlarging God's reputation in the Church.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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