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Love and Void【電子書籍】[ Olga Toprover ]

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04月27日 03時12分更新
Love and Void【電子書籍】[ Olga Toprover ]


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Dasha is a woman who stops aging at 25 because of a curse hanging over her family. This is just a side effect of witchcraft, the aim of which was to force Dasha and all women in her family to suffer from love and from never being loved in return. "They will live with that unrequited love, which would be a torture. It will turn into their pain, obsession and sickness. Time will not heal them. Minutes and years would stretch to lengthen their sadness. There will no escape from love. Exhausted by that love, they will be seeking a way out. There will be just one escape, just one..." Dasha is trying to find a way to stop the witchcraft. She witnesses wars, and leaders who come and go, promising new horizons and tearing off the thin threads of hope. To solve her mother's secrets she has to connect the dots between past and present, traveling to various cities and even countries. Her sister Anna is suffering because of love and Dasha herself cannot escape her fate. Can she beat the darkness and change her life? Will she be able to find happiness in the ocean of suffering and frustration? Readers who are moved by a combination of fantasy, drama and romance will find this book interesting. The concept of “Love and Void” was partly inspired by “The Enchanters” (1973) by a French writer Romain Gary. A plot with a similar idea of an ageless woman was used in Hollywood, in the movie “The Age of Adaline” (2015).画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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