
Short Shorts, Short Funds【電子書籍】[ Rose Gossamer ]

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04月25日 16時40分更新
Short Shorts, Short Funds【電子書籍】[ Rose Gossamer ]


価格:108 (税込) 送料込 カード決済 OK送料無料
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Chloe, a 19 year old, blonde, UK College student, has decided to take a year off and travel around Australia. Her older brother’s friend, Paul, lives in Sydney in a nice house with his partner of 4 years. Paul and Chloe have always had a good friendship. She has been doing random work as she has traveled. Half way through her trip she decides to visit Paul. She gets a job at a bar, but hasn't been working enough hours to pay for her recent and future costs of this trip. Nervous to talk with her parents about her money problems, she confides in Paul. Ever since she hit the age of consent, Paul has fantasized about his friends tempting little sister. Paul knows that Chloe wants to keep traveling, so he decides that maybe they can strike a deal…画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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