
Dominic (Club Reign, Book One)【電子書籍】[ Samantha McCoy ]

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04月27日 13時28分更新
Dominic (Club Reign, Book One)【電子書籍】[ Samantha McCoy ]


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Welcome to Club Reign. A Chicago nightclub located on the iconic Navy Pier. Here, the drinks will flow like the waters of the Great Lakes; and by invitation only, so does the pleasure. But before you enter, just remember ? What happens downstairs, stays downstairs. So, are you ready to enter the underground world of sex, fun, and pleasures of all kinds? Dominic Rissi thought he had it all figured out. He only cared about two things ? Sex and Domination. But that was before he got a taste of her. Storm Sinclair jumped at the opportunity to work downstairs. She considered it an educational experience. That is until a muscled-up co-worker ruins it all. And her. Can Dominic and Storm find some common ground? Or will their heat burn them both? Or maybe, there’s a third option… Could it be, a couple that pleasures together, stays together?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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