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A Christingle Christmas【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth Mae Player ]

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04月26日 14時55分更新
A Christingle Christmas【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth Mae Player ]


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The last thing Beth expects to find in Cornwall is romance. Her Mum has taken a fall and ended up in hospital. With just three weeks to go before Christmas everything has been thrown into disarray and the plan to spend the holidays in Scotland with her sister now looks like an impossible dream. As a leading light in the local church Beth's Mum has a very detailed itinerary of activities and duties that she's involved with, running up to the festivities. Keen to fulfill all those obligations she suggests that Beth might be able to step into her shoes and help out a little. That little turns out to be quite a lot and Beth feels a just a tad miffed, until she meets the Vicar of St Piran's. Suddenly, singing in the choir, baking for the Christmas Bazaar and helping out at the Christingle festival don't seem to be quite the chore that she'd initially thought.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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