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The Sixth Extinction America: Part Thirteen ? Abandon.【電子書籍】[ Glen Johnson ]

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09月28日 17時31分更新
The Sixth Extinction America: Part Thirteen ? Abandon.【電子書籍】[ Glen Johnson ]


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Mankind is no longer at the top of the food chain. The Sixth Extinction is an apocalyptic tale about a pandemic that sweeps the globe, decimating the human race, leaving humanity struggling to survive. Within three weeks, everything has changed. Social structure has collapsed as the government locks itself away with a select portion of its vast army in deep bunkers, leaving the civilians to their own fate and the infected that stalk the streets. Naomi is battered and shaken, but she has been released by the large pod to pass on a message to the others on the cargo ship. Will they do as requested, or will the reanimated old crew attack? Stu and Soozie find themselves having to team up with the people they hate the most… Why would Smokie put her trust in the enemy? However, Stu finds something that could turn the tide in their favour. The mutated birds, and the new strain of the infection cause more chaos, destroying their chance of getting off the death ship. Will Frank, Mollee, and Smokie be able to stop the out of control vessel before it’s too late? Meanwhile, Bachman and the others, as well some of the newfound cleaning crew, have to deal with Pete ? who has become infected, which causes more death and impossible choices.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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