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The Journals of Zaleem: Part 5 - Growth【電子書籍】[ Tommy Masek ]

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03月10日 15時39分更新
The Journals of Zaleem: Part 5 - Growth【電子書籍】[ Tommy Masek ]


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As the result of an accident aboard their ship, Xacs Omathe, a California avocado grower, is inadvertently abducted by an alien race which has cultivated life in our galaxy and the greater universe for billions of years. He lives and travels with them for nearly three centuries, experiencing what the future may hold for the Human race. The creation of all life on Earth was accomplished by the Aanbollth, an extraterrestrial race dedicated to the improvement and continued development of life in the Universe. They are the ultimate engineers of all organisms, great and small, on this beautiful planet known, in part, as M37CXA19B24R3. The history of Earth and many other worlds is chronicled in the journals of Zaleem Aah Ju Amaharah Ees, Earth’s gardener until his untimely death at the relatively young age of 48,373 Earth years. Sixteen of the seventeen crewmembers aboard the ship are killed immediately, and Zaleem, the Captain, dies five days later. A moment before his death, Zaleem slips an amulet, his recorder, into Xacs’s hand, saying it will provide him with safe passage. An Aanbollth female, Oelphia, for short, is the only other long-term survivor of the accident. She becomes Xacs’s life-long mentor, supporting him initially through genetic modifications and rehab, and later by finding him a job and a mate. In Part 5, the Magistrate obtains permission from the overall Aanbol government to support a pilot program to demonstrate the need for Aanbollth communicators with the Other Life. As an alien, Xacs has often been criticized in legal forums as being unreliable. With the addition of the Imac implant, his memory can be scanned to provide a record of his conversations with souls, as well as the soul’s responses in Aanbollth. The initial plan is to search for missing persons and potential murder victims to assess the extent of potential criminal activity on the planet. Before long, Xacs has conversations with victims murdered by police officers, and soon discovers a convoluted conspiracy involving executives of the Bank of Aanbol, numerous police departments, and a network of criminal enterprises. That turmoil puts him in the crosshairs of a variety of people who fear and resent his meddling in their affairs. Xacs is forced to defend the farm with any means possible but is assisted to a moderate extent by investigators from the magistrate’s office, and by Poendal who is in charge of the team to recruit and train new communicators. Initially, attacks on the farm come from police officers directly. Those are followed a gravo attack directed by the head crook in the bank and his minions, then finally by a series attacks by criminals who want revenge for having their criminal activities exposed. Eventually, the police and investigators track down the bulk of the criminals, inside and outside of the bank, and elsewhere, and Xacs’s life returns to normal. A huge reorganization of the bank ensues and snarls business activities for a cycle or more. He is able to construct a studio for his work, and pursue new art projects. As the new communicators phase into the investigative role they’ve accepted, Xacs continues interviewing souls to gauge the progress.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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