
Wings Across the Cosmos【電子書籍】[ John Russel Fearn ]

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04月27日 04時45分更新
Wings Across the Cosmos【電子書籍】[ John Russel Fearn ]


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The last surviving member of a mghty race speeds through the void on a strange quest!?
John Russell Fearn (1908?1960) was a British author and one of the first British writers to appear in American pulp science fiction magazines. Always a highly prolific author, he published not only under his own name, but also as Vargo Statten and other pseudonyms including Thornton Ayre, Polton Cross, Geoffrey Armstrong, John Cotton, Dennis Clive, Ephriam Winiki, Astron Del Martia (and others). He remains best known for his long-running Golden Amazon saga. At times these drew on the pulp traditions of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Fearn also wrote Westerns and crime fiction.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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