Dragons Embrace【電子書籍】[ Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III ]


“Your Terror, what about mine. I was afraid I would miss that lion and hit both of you knocking you off the tether. You didn’t see the other two Lions waiting at the end of the jungle. Licking their chops waiting for their dinner to drop in their laps. The one I zapped might have landed on his feet, but he tried to walk away and discovered he had broken a leg. He is now the lunch special for the day.” Toby turned to Troy. “Tell Rodney, we have rescued two fools who think they could take a Sunday walk in the park and walk on the grass, ignoring the signs ‘Do not Walk on the Grass’ penalty, devourment by hungry Lions.” Toby stormed off with the lighting rod in his hands. Billy and Tommy just sat there trembling not knowing if it was terror of being eaten by Lions, or terror of being chewed and spit out by Toby. “I looked over that railing with that lightening rod. I saw for the first time, how high I was, I tried to focus on that lion, but my eyes blurred, and my head started spinning. I felt myself falling Billy. I was afraid I was going to fall off the railing. I tried to focus on that Lion, and I just couldn’t get my eyes to focus. Then I closed my eyes and shot that bolt blind. I opened my eyes knowing I had missed and you two falling to the ground. I couldn’t believe my eyes that I had hit that beast and not you two. Then you two climbed on the deck and started laughing like it was a walk in the park. I was so angry at you two for laughing. When, I should have grabbed you two and hugged the life out of you, thankful that I missed you and hit that lion. No, I had to get angry. I am ashamed of myself.” Toby cried as he embraced his Cousin. Billy embraced, his cousin back. “Toby, you shouldn’t be ashamed for being angry at me. For the first time I am the one who took a walk in the park with a pride of Lions after me. Usually, it is you I am rescuing from something you have foolishly done. If anyone should be ashamed it is me. I let you down and myself. I not only risked my life, but Tommy’s and this expedition.” Billy tried to explain. Toby looked up at his cousin and dried his tears off. “I shouldn’t be on this expedition Billy, I froze, I let my fear of Heights get the best of me. I could have killed you and Tommy.” Toby cried. Toby Mick, you didn’t. If anyone should be at fault here, it is me, if I had not wanted to take that walk in the jungle, I would not have put you in the situation of having to lean over that rail and try to shoot that lion down. Blind or not, you hit that Lion right in the face the smallest target to hit. You don’t give yourself enough credit Toby. As for chewing us out, you are the co-leader in this group, and we deserved to be chewed out. So, stop being a shame of yourself Toby, I have enough shame for the both of us. So, wipe those tears off before I start crying.” Billy ordered. “You won’t tell the others will you, I mean me out here crying like a child who last his favorite toy.” Toby asked. “No, I won’t Toby. There is nothing wrong for a man to cry. It is a sign of courage to cry, not to hide your feelings. Enough men don’t, they bottle-up their feelings. In fact, I think I am going to cry now Toby, tears of love for my cousin, not because you saved my life today. But because you are the closest thing to a brother any man could wish for, a man who is willing to close his eyes and hope he doesn’t miss. Not to many men out there with that kind of courage”. Billy embraced his cousin. “Let us cry together brother.” And that is what they did until they couldn’t cry anymore, and they sat there embraced until the sun set.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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