
The Center at the Center of The Blast A Rucksack Universe Story【電子書籍】[ Anthony St. Clair ]

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04月24日 08時15分更新
The Center at the Center of The Blast A Rucksack Universe Story【電子書籍】[ Anthony St. Clair ]


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With knowledge comes hope… or the potential for annihilation. A hundred years ago, The Blast burned, scarred, and scared the world. Now people start to try to understand what happened. What The Blast means. And if it could happen again. The Rucksack Universe series combines alternate history, speculative fiction, myth, adventure, globetrotting, and intrigueーall with well-poured pints of beer. Library Journal says Anthony St. Clair’s storytelling has “universe building reminiscent of Terry Pratchett,” and readers say they love the Rucksack Universe’s unique combination of “quirk, wit, travel, and magic.”画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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