
Surrealities, part I【電子書籍】[ J Dean ]

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04月25日 03時07分更新
Surrealities, part I【電子書籍】[ J Dean ]


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From the mind of storyteller J. Dean comes the "Surrealities," short story series, a concept rooted in and inspired by weekly television serials such as The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, and The Outer Limits, and classic radio serials such as Suspense, Dimension X, Lights Out, and other regular tales that take the imagination to the heights of exhilaration and the depths of fear. In "The Madness," three people are confronted with a killer insanity that falls upon the general population of their city. "Requiem Nosferatu" takes the reader to a memorial service for a young man whose death is not as sure as it may seem.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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