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Tom Sawyer Abroad is a novel by Mark Twain published in 1894. It features Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn in a parody of Jules Verne-esque adventure stories. In the story, Tom, Huck, and Jim set sail ...

Los peque?os poemas en prosa, tambi?n conocido como El spleen de Par?s es una colecci?n de 50 peque?os poemas escritos en prosa po?tica. La melancol?a, el horror al paso del tiempo, el deseo de infini...

Jonathan is a Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, he loves aircraft and he wants to talk about them, anything really. But he can't, because he is married to Kerry and between them they have two of...

The 43rd Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK? again focuses on pulpsmith Chester S. Geier's science fiction, collecting 3 novels and 17 short stories from the pages of such classic pulp magazines a...

The Sugar Plum Fairies are tired of dancing for nothing. To make matters worse, the North Pole is freezing, they have to wear skimpy outfits and their poor little legs get worn out quickly. When the E...

Set after the events of Fight for Love. Special Air Services Soldier William Alipate, foiled a plot that had him fighting an organized crime syndicate, to get his girlfriend Claudia Coe back. On the d...


An Old Soul is a story about Anna Thomas-Lockman, who falls into a coma after a car accident. While in a coma she discovers her old soul, Daniel. Daniel was a handsome, Irish-Italian young man. He had...

The Nameless City The Festival The Colour Out of Space The Call of Cthulhu The Dunwich Horror The Whisperer in Darkness The Dreams in the Witch House The Haunter of the Dark The Shadow Over Innsmouth ...

とある任務で、人気俳優・天瀬晴臣のマネージャーをすることになった、スパイ・日野(潜入名)。 外面は社公的だが、なかなかプライベートを見...


Albine a ?t? ?dit?, pour la premi?re fois, en 1881, dans la nouvelle Revue. Albine est un roman ?pistolaire inachev? qui comporte sept lettres. Trois scripteurs r?digent ces lettres tour ? tour. Il s...

? Um s?bio professor que toda a semana doava sua camisa para algum necessitado; ? Um pregador de quem uma rainha tinha medo; ? Um jovem professor que deu sua vida para traduzir a B?blia para a l?ngua ...
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