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著者:ロレンゾ カルカテラ, 田口 俊樹, Lorenzo Carcaterra出版社:徳間書店サイズ:文庫ISBN-10:4198906602ISBN-13:9784198906603■こちらの商品もオススメです ...

Introducci?n al apasionante mundo de Cyberpunk.El autor nos muestra el mundo que se nos viene encima a trav?s de varios personajes. Muy recomendable para todos los lectores, incluso para aquellos que ...

In 643 A.D. the armies of Islam have spread across Persia, bringing faith and flame. Seeking vengeance for the betrayal of his king and his men, a Persian officer hunts after a treacherous sorcerer on...

There's one day left before a brief business trip to New York will take Englishwoman, Jemma James, away from her wild fling with Las Vegas bad boy, Damon McDermott. Jemma cannot resist her cravings to...

In the respectable seaside town of Flaxborough, the equally respectable councillor Harold Carobleat is laid to rest. Cause of death: pneumonia. But he is scarcely cold in his coffin before Detective I...

"Um habitante de Carcosa" foi publicado, pela primeira vez, em 25 de dezembro de 1886, no n?mero de Natal do San Francisco News Letter and California Advertiser. Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) foi um auto...

著者:ポストメディア編集部出版社:一迅社サイズ:単行本(ソフトカバー)ISBN-10:4758016054ISBN-13:9784758016056■こちらの商品もオススメです ● 聲...

Jeannie Kinneman is a good Judge's daughter with a good job in the city and good prospects. Her only vices are a fondness for good food, good scotch, good wine, and bad men. One particular bad man, ac...

Antonio Gramsci (Ales, Cagliari 1891- Roma 1937), deputato comunista del Parlamento italiano, fu arrestato l'8 novembre 1926 per ordine di Mussolini e condannato a 20 anni di carcere. In cella si dedi...

“Say Kandy,” I say, in my lowest sultriest voice, “would you like to hear a secret?” “Oh I love secrets,” Kandy responds with a giggle. I lean in close to her, so that my breasts, still ve...

"Credi che la corrispondenza mi preme molto: ? il solo legame che mi unisce al mondo ed ? ci? che rompe di tanto in tanto la mia segregazione e il mio isolamento" scriveva Antonio Gramsci (Ales, 1891 ...
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