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Thanks to a lucky win on the Power Ball Lottery, Joel has fulfilled his ambition - an island of his own. All he needs now is to show it to Gray, his best friend and ex-lover, who had shared that child...

El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, quinto tomo. Este libro contiene los cap?tulos XXII al XXVII de la primera parte y un pr?logo de Sergio Fern?ndez.画面...

De devedores a amigos de Deus ? o quinto volume de volume de uma s?rie sobre o Antigo Testamento, com estudos b?blicos expositivos que abrangem os livros de Lev?tico, N?meros e Deuteron?mio. Este volu...

Enquanto se vive, de diversos modos, o clima festivo dessa ?poca do ano, ? oportuno deixar ecoar nos cora??es o apelo convocat?rio de Santo Agostinho, l? no s?culo quinto, em um de seus serm?es: "Desp...

?Nat Austin Grif es el escritor revelaci?n de novela negra y Best Seller por cuarto a?o consecutivo en su ciudad, Cincinnati. Es mundialmente conocido por su primer libro Seis nombres, seis balas. ?Tr...

In 1920s New York, Pinkerton Agent John Brady is assigned to a brutal robbery/kidnapping, an open and shut case with an obvious culprit - but nothing and no one are what they seem. Small-time crook Ce...

Jerry Thorne is on the run with a greyhound, and nowhere left to turn for safety but an old one-time friend, Mike Brown. Which could be a huge mistake. Not only did Jerry have a crush on the man back ...

Cal Beaufontaine, the son of a Creole/Cajun restaurateur, has graduated from The Culinary Institute of America, and is starting his career as an apprentice chef in Modesto, California. He moves into a...

Este ? o quinto livro de uma s?rie de nove, da escritora Laura Ingalls. Na s?rie a autora conta a hist?ria de como a fam?lia dela foi para o Oeste passando por tr?s Estados norte-americanos, enfrentan...

It should have been a bit of a break for Mark Renfrew, attending an archaeological conference with Jack Faulkner, his lover. No ghosts, no drama beyond the academic. But it didn't work out that way. T...

The old sugar maple features strongly in Stuart's life. He'd first met Harry here, while he was completing a college project. Many years later, Stuart scattered Harry's ashes under the tree. For six y...
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