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Eliza Anderson is sexy, smart, and moving up the corporate ladder as fast as she can. She prides herself on always being in charge - except in the bedroom. When Eliza's husband Luke demands her presen...

Proceeding from the means and ways they use to overcome the problems within their specific domains, the Army and Air Force have developed different operational perspectives. The differences would not ...

The objective of this e-book is to ensure that CISA candidate get adequate knowledge of logical access controls and its applicability in practical scenario. Question Answer and Explanation (QAE) on lo...

Da lui considerata come una "cosa sciocca", l'attivita poetica di Michelangelo si viene caratterizzando, a differenza di quella usuale nel Cinquecento influenzata dal Petrarca, da toni energici, auste...

A testimony of a Kazakh woman.Please send this voice all over the world.Testimony of a Kazakh woman who was a teacher in a concentration camp in the Uighur Autonomous Region.画面が切り替わり...

Testimony of a Uyghur woman who lived in Japan and became a naturalized citizen. If her young brother is captured and accuses her of too much horrific oppression in her homeland in Japan, not only her...

This book is based on the history of Punjab and research conducted on the various aspects of the largest protest in human history by United Indian Peasants between the years 2020 and 2021 that came af...

This small book is written as per CISA exam pattern. Various roles (Which usually are tested in every exam) have been discussed in simplified manner, Candidate can expect atleast 2 to 5 questions on t...

Point to remember for CISA Exam: (1)Out of all types of firewall, Application-Level Firewall provides greatest security environment (as it works on application layer of OSI model). (2)Out of all types...

Per festeggiare i 200 anni della nascita di Charlotte Bront?, Tracy Chevalier ha chiesto alle migliori autrici in lingua inglese di scrivere una storia ispirata alla celebre battuta di Jane Eyre: ≪L...

Approximately 2 to 5 questions appears in CISA exam on ‘Digital Signature’ concept . The objective of this e-book is to ensure that CISA candidate get adequate knowledge of digital signature and r...

Tate Anthony is a rich man that never takes risks but has a change of heart when Jessica Norwood comes into the picture. It's love at first site for the both of them. But Tate doesn't know that Jessic...

Control Self-Assessment (CSA) is very important concept in domain 1 and invariably finds place in CISA exam. We can expect atleast 2 to 3 question on this concept. The objective of this e-book is to e...

Shakespeare non ? solo il pi? grande drammaturgo di lingua inglese, ma ? anche uno degli autori pi? citati di tutti i tempi. Il suo teatro mette in scena lo spettacolo della vita e scava nel cuore del...

Le solitarie sono la prima raccolta di prose scritta dalla poetessa Ada Negri e pubblicata nel 1917 da Treves, a Milano. Si tratta di 14 novelle imperniate perlopi? sul tema della condizione femminile...

Thomas Edison was an inventor. He invented the electric lighting system, the phonograph and alkaline batteries. He invented a camera to record moving pictures and a device for watching them. He added ...

Details about this E-Book: The objective of this e-book is to ensure that CISA candidate get adequate knowledge on various fire suppression systems such as wet pipe, dry pipe, Halon gas, FM-200, Carbo...

A legal loophole may free a killer, unless a motive can be established in the execution-style murder of a local councilman. Lupa Schwartz usually unmasks killers, but what-to-do when the killer, alrea...





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