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Ron is an admitted hypersexual- someone who is obsessed with sex and feels compelled to engage in frequent sexual activity. As an independent consultant and as an instructor at a local community colle...

Do you want to reach the pinnacle of your profession? This book is practical and not theoretical. Have you had enough of unworkable theories? Unworkable theories are “myths of knowledge”. They do ...

Ron is an admitted hypersexual- someone who is obsessed with sex and feels compelled to engage in frequent sexual activity. As an independent consultant and as an instructor at a local community colle...

Ron is an admitted hypersexual- someone who is obsessed with sex and feels compelled to engage in frequent sexual activity. As an independent consultant and as an instructor at a local community colle...


Alireza Kohany is an Iranian Public Figure Artist; Fashion Model and Actor, Instagram Star, Entrepreneur and Influencer Also a Musician; Born 18 June 1993 in Tehran, Iran. He has managed to attract ma...

This book explores the relationship between the Lord’s Prayer and the Temple. Jesus frequented the Temple and referred to it as his Father’s house. The prayer addresses God as our Father in heaven...


Bagehot was one of the first writers to describe and explain the world of international and corporate finance, banking, and money in understandable language. The book was in part a reaction to the 186...

Parables is a collection of blog postings, random short observations and song lyrics gathered throughout the year 2016 ... a chronicle of the years thoughts so far. Right Reverend John is John Edward ...

***Due to some adult language and situations, Returning Home is only appropriate for readers age 18 and older.*** Rachel left home as soon as she graduated from high school because she wanted more. Th...

The book has an active table of contents for easy access to each chapter. Alexis de Tocqueville was a French historian and political scientist best known for the work Democracy in America on the Ameri...

There is no better way to see America than on foot. And there is no better way to appreciate what you are looking at than with a walking tour. Whether you are preparing for a road trip or just out to ...

This is a delightful story for children of all ages, from eight to eighty. It is a tapestry of myth and memory. The fibers of myth are every color of the rainbow, and the fibers of memory are silver, ...

Depending on who you talk to, Troy Baldwin is anything from an uptown playboy to a business-obsessed shark, but everyone would agree he's sharp, handsome, and dangerous as they come. When Heather lear...

Unwrap some holiday passion... Seeing her old boss Griffin Kelso’s name show up on her phone gives Delilah Johnston the shivers. His charming but self-centered ways are the #1 reason she left her jo...

An Onguent Like Honey, Lore Lippincott's first release in years, is a enticing anthology of pirates, sex and magic. The four short stories in this collection spin you through a garland of memorable ch...

This book is for everyone who desperately needs to find a way to cope with the jerks, the idiots and the terrible people in our lives. The truth is, we’ve all got a little bit of jerk, idiocy and te...

In "Making Life Worthwhile", Douglas Fairbanks, the original 'King of Hollywood' sets down his thoughts on life and making the best of every situation that arises to confront us. Many labels come to m...

The Saki Megapack assembles no less than 140 works by H.H. Munro, who also wrote under the name "Saki." Munro influenced such later talents as P.G. Wodehouse. Included in this volume are both of Munro...

The Literary Devil's Dictionary is everything you ever wanted to scream about the book publishing business but were afraid to yell. A sly send up of every industry sacred cow, this is the perfect gift...
はんこ 判子 ネーム印 浸透印 しゃちはた 認印 シヤチハタ スタンプ ネームスタンプ ビジネス 浸透スタンプ 認め印 印鑑キャップ 文具 hanko カバー 可愛い 雑貨 訂正印 おしゃれ 経理)

文房具/事務用品/印鑑/いんかん/ハンコ/はんこ/判子/ネーム印/浸透印/しゃちはた/ネーム印/認印/シヤチハタ/スタンプ/名前/なまえ/文具 受取印 お名...

Are you an alcoholic? It took me 30 years to accept that I am one. My drinking days were sheer Hell. I was on a tortuous road full of potholes and pitfalls. I wanted to stop drinking, but couldn't. I ...

Jack Lord and Belle were having a normal morning at the office. Belle was busy making the coffee, when the phone rang. Jack picked up the phone and said, "Jack Lords detective agency, Jack speaking ho...

How wicked can they be? Touch Me, Please Me Novelist, Cedric Compton is in the town of Mystic for one purpose onlyーto meet his second extended deadline. The key to making that happen is completing h...

Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives another person the power, or right, to make decisions for you. The person you authorize to make decisions for you is called the attorney. The attorney ...

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME is a novella & it's Book 1 in Marilyn Brant’s Mirabelle Harbor series. This book and ALL of the contemporary romances in this series can be enjoyed as stand-alone stories. We...

'Stupid presidents, smart presidents, white presidents, black presidents -- doesn't work! What this country needs is a crazy Third World dictator. And Donald Trump has what it takes to be that. He's a...

The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted t...

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