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A sci-fi murder mystery in the 31st century. In the future humanity has spread throughout the universe in a Golden Age technology, exploration and co-operation between the various forms of consciousne...

Feeling like an outsider in the States, and tormented by feelings that he doesn't belong in his masculine body, Ethan moves to Atabey, a beautiful island nation in the Caribbean Sea. There he meets Av...

15×24 link one せめて明日まで、と彼女は言った 文庫 の詳細 カテゴリ: 中古本 ジャンル: 文芸 ライトノベル 男性向け 出...

毎日が楽しくなるステーショナリー♪ こちらは小学生の定番アイテム【えんぴつキャップ5個セット】 ペンケースの中で芯が折れにくい☆彡 大人気...

Your child is special and has a unique learning ability. While good teaching is purposeful, and academic preparedness gives your child an early edge to gain fluency in reading, the onus rests on you, ...

The Pool Of The Black One was written in the year 1933 by Robert Ervin Howard. This book is one of the most popular novels of Robert Ervin Howard, and has been translated into several other languages ...

When a university job interview goes south, Carrie Wade isn’t certain that she’ll ever find work in her field of ancient Native American culture. Knowing the only job waiting for her is waitressin...

The first spider nearly frightened Lori White to death. The second one all, but killed her with a deadly poison it carried. The third spider waits as the only chance to save everything and one that Lo...

Following a bizarre lightning storm, a young college student named Rayna Powell finds herself alone in a desolate, red wasteland zone called the Band. In making her way out, she realizes the Band was ...

The talent-less and naive daughter of a noble, Siveene seeks purpose in her mundane life. Her eighteenth birthday will bring that purpose, although in a way she never could have expected. Through trag...

This is a 20k word Novella previously published in the Be Mine Valentine’s Day Anthology Trina Farrady is coming home, although she doesn’t know if the small town of Hope Springs is still home. Af...

Her mother is dead, her home is destroyed. Gwenevere flees from disaster and stumbles into the human world. Unable to speak their language, but capable of reading their thoughts, Gwen acclimates quick...

Peak One(編者)販売会社/発売会社:西東社発売年月日:2007/10/25JAN:9784791612420※2004年8月5日発行、『もって歩くひとこと英会話BOOK』の改称(改題)で...

Rosalie Galloway is a shy medium who fell in love with a rockstar’s ghost. Only he wasn’t dead but in a coma. They’ve just gotten married and virgin Rosalie is nervous about her wedding night. H...

While representing a wealthy tycoon and his ambitious and devious grandson, hard-boiled lawyer Jake Stone is saved from a vicious beating in a shady alley by a lovely young woman with a knack for the ...
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プリーツスクリーン 【ペアタイプ】【ワンチェーン操作】【ドレープ生地:ミズキ・レース生地:ニンファ】

The Billings Kids History Mystery series begins with 12-year-old Elkanah Stowell, who ventures into the wilderness with his uncle, Braddish Billings, to help found what will become the Billings Bridge...
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【 商品説明 】 死者の魂を弔う灯篭流し。(精霊流し) 川面に映る灯篭の灯かりがゆらゆらと揺れて、 幻想的です。 大切な方を想い、祈り、送ります...

Depending on who you talk to, Troy Baldwin is anything from an uptown playboy to a business-obsessed shark, but everyone would agree he's sharp, handsome, and dangerous as they come. When Heather lear...

At home Leonora Hodge was talking to the butler James. At three this afternoon a good friend of mine, Pamela Lander will come for a cup of coffee, would you remind me please? At three o'clock Pamela a...

The morning after her 14th birthday, Diana, as the reawakened Empress Artemis-Diana, must confront the most wicked demon in the Universe - Mendacium, the King of Deceit. With only her longbow and swor...

Boy sees girl, boy procures a way into girl's office, girl slaps boy, girl screws boy. The story of Natalie and Eric is fun, sexy, and complicated. Natalie, the owner of the Chicago based elite and ki...

When Incubus Chocolatier Tristan Savant encounters a girl named Melody, who has a captivating singing voice but suffers from low self-esteem, he takes it upon himself to help her lose weight using his...

This book has battles, assassinations, slavery and the political intrigue that were common in the eighth century AD. Many of the background histories for this book, like the ambush of King Charlemagne...

The wars are over, at least officially. However, Border Wars still flare up fairly regularly. For Alex Steddard this means that he will soon be conscripted in the national army upon turning 18; but, a...

WINNING TICKET Ophelia Ransom wins an all expense paid Golden Ticket to the Azdromadarim Role-Playing Theme Park; a spin-off project based on the online game she loved so much. Between stopping a murd...

A Living God is the story of the Hyksos, forbears of the Hebrews. A people who called Egypt home for more than four hundred years. In the 14th Century BCE the Egyptian monarchy strove to remove the re...

Dr. Yves Cane is a Sex Therapist with a secret. Her patients keep her occupied, but it's her girlfriend who boggles her mind. Escape into the naughty confessions of strangers.画面が切り替わり...
