最近検索したワード:money mutual ページ1
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Taryn Pirelli is a Seattle-based, travelling anesthesiologist on assignment in Bend, Oregon. When patients under her care inexplicably end up dead, her justified questions are brushed under the rug by...
Just about that time, a blonde lady wanders into my hotel room. Oh, she's so embarrassed! She has been seeking a woman friend and she couldn't find her friend on floor six, so she just thought she wou...
A satiric masterpiece about the allure and peril of money, Our Mutual Friend revolves around the inheritance of a dust-heap where the rich throw their trash. When the body of John Harmon, the dust-hea...
This is an erotic adult story of an explicit nature for mature readers 18 and older. Felicia Wicksmore, a mid-forties wealthy patron of charities, is having a summer evening party to thank donors and ...
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