最近検索したワード:newark ページ1

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小林ばく【撮影】販売会社/発売会社:徳間書店/ 発売年月日:1993/10/31JAN:9784198600181

The Last of the Mohicans is a historical novel by James Fenimore Cooper, first published in January 1826. It was one of the most popular English-language novels of its time. Its narrative flaws were c...

Librarian Beatrice Winser discovers that the influenza epidemic of 1918 isn’t the only killer in town, and the war in Europe has spread to the Newark Public Library. The Barb Goffman Presents series...

When the aliens come, they're supposed to say: "Take me to your leader." But this time the aliens already know who they want to talk to--a small-time crook from Newark, New Jersey named Jimmy Numbers....
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