
A Guy's Best Friend【電子書籍】[ Shawna Hansen ]

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04月26日 16時23分更新
A Guy's Best Friend【電子書籍】[ Shawna Hansen ]


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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Emma's New Year started with a kiss from a complete stranger at the stroke of midnight. With her fianc? of nearly four years on the other side of the room, Emma finds herself responding to the tall, sexy stranger in a way she's never experienced before and doesn’t want to end. Austin is at the New Year's party to investigate Emma's fianc?’s involvement in a car stealing operation and ended up kissing his prime suspect's fianc?e and nearly losing the best chance he's ever had of bringing in the head of the car cloning ring that’s been using beautiful, young women as couriers to drive the stolen cars out of the U.S. into Canada. It's only a New Year's kiss, but neither of them want the night to stop there. Six months later, Emma can’t believe the guy she kissed on New Year’s Eve is actually the one guy she can count on as her best friend after her fianc? steals all their savings to buy his uncle’s nearly bankrupt automobile empire and tosses their plans to elope to Vegas and spend the summer honeymooning and surfing in California out the window. Austin knows the beautiful surfer girl he can’t stop thinking about will hate him once she finds out he’s the guy who’s going to put her fianc? behind bars. A Guy’s Best Friend takes you from zero to ninety and doesn’t stop. In just two minutes, Emma and Austin’s lives crash into each other at high speed and neither one is willing or able to yield.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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